Friday, January 27, 2012

A Belated Happy New Year

To all two of my loyal fans out there, happy new year!  To everyone else who has perhaps randomly stumbled upon this little on-again-off-again blog, welcome and happy new year!  And to the haters out there, well, click here (and happy new year):

Every new year brings about some level of reflection on my part.  Last year, my first two days were spent reflecting on why it seemed like a good idea to get into a drinking contest with my much taller and much MUCH younger nephew on New Year's Eve.  After many hours praying to the porcelain god for clarity, several doses of Tylenol and hours and hours of fitful sleep, I concluded that it was not, in fact, a good idea, and resolved not to do so again... ever.  That was about as far as I got in 2011.

By contrast, I started this year off with a bit more clarity and way fewer doses of Tylenol, and as a result have had more reflective reflections.  I call them super-reflecty reflections, and call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure they (easily) meet or beat the (obviously) high standard set by 2011's main learning:

  • I recognize that I really need to take time off from work, and that going an entire year before taking multiple days off at once is a fast train to Snarky Town.  After two weeks off for the holidays, I'm confident that my clients and husband have noticed the difference.  We're three weeks into the new year, and I still feel much less like running out of the building and screaming when I am called upon to answer the same question for the thirtieth time ("No... you still can't do that.  No.  No.  NO.  Aaaaaaarrrggghhh!!!!!").  I therefore resolve to go on vacation in March.  Lucky for me, the flights are booked already!  Done and DONE!
  • This year will mark the 20th anniversary of my car accident.  As many of you know (since there are only two of you out there, I'm pretty sure you all know, but anyway...), the accident changed the trajectory of my life in ways that even today I have yet to discover.  I expect that this will be a difficult anniversary, and it is entirely possible that despite my best efforts, I may never be able to talk about it without feeling like someone is sitting on my chest and slowly closing my throat.  I resolve to try my best to confront these emotions, and to rewrite the narrative in a way that will allow for more personal growth in the future.
  • I need to read more books that aren't about dinosaurs.  I mean, dinosaurs are awesome and everything, but I miss reading big words that don't end in "-saurus."  I resolve to read more grown-up books, and maybe even some magazines.  But have no fear... my boycott on women's magazines will remain firmly in place...
  • Our cat is thirteen years old this year, which it seems to me is pretty old for a cat.  I resolve to pet her as often as I can without giving myself an allergic fit.
  • When we lived in Cleveland, we had a hammock.  I like hammocks.  I did not use the hammock in Cleveland often enough, and I regret that.  I would like to get a hammock again.  I resolve to look into this, and if we can make it happen, to use it at least once a week during the summer.
  • My child is awesome.  This isn't really new, but I recognize that he really is awesome... and in so many ways. Is he perfect?  No.  Is that okay?  Yes.  I resolve to make sure he knows - every single day - how much I love him for the little person he is and the bigger person he will eventually become.

And finally...

  • It is a bad idea to get into a drinking contest with my much taller and much MUCH younger nephew on New Year's Eve.  I (still) resolve never to do this again.

Happy new year!